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About me.png

Hi, I’m Jana. I started practicing yoga as a way to manage stress and anxiety. I've been drawn to the practice of yoga for as long as I can remember.  Even though I knew very early that yoga was for me, I was not always good at making time for my mental, physical, or spiritual health, AKA my yoga practice.  As I got more consistent with my practice, a funny thing happened.  My stress and anxiety became a lot more manageable, I felt lighter, and I developed the desire to want to share what I was learning with others.


While I offer classes to a variety of students, I am particularly focused on those who, like me, struggle to find time to slow down and come home to self. I am passionately committed to sharing yoga with others who need intentional time and movement to internally check in and align mind, body, and spirit


What's In A Name?

Tower means a strong refuge; to rise or reach great heights.  Tower Flow is committed to just that, empowering individuals to reach greater heights and create a strong mental, physical, and spiritual refuge through the practice of yoga.  I create spaces that invite others to slow down, reconnect, realign and meet yourself where YOU are.  


My classes can be described as meditative, grounding, and strengthening.  In addition to yoga, I am also a policy analyst and a published stylist. I look forward to practicing with you and hope to see you soon!


Fun fact: Tower also means a group of giraffes (which happen to be my absolute favorite animal)

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a strong refuge; to rise or reach a great height
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